Integral Sound Healing, Reiki Master, Intuitive, Add Heart Facilitator
Contact: (703) 868-2914
4626 16th Ave NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144
About Me
Welcome to Conscious Frequencies Healing. Celine is a certified professional Sound Healer and dedicated Reiki Master. Born and raised in France, she grew up in the beautiful countryside of La Loire Valley . She moved to the United States in her early 20’s. Celine worked as an executive administrative assistant for over 15 years until she decided to follow her true life path with healing. "I studied Reiki first and became a Reiki Master a few years ago. It was not until I came across an experiment with sounds while I was at an art exhibit, that I got really curious about sounds and their powerful effects on us, particularly our brains." She studied about sounds and brainwaves before she decided to take some courses and become an Integral Sound Healing practitioner. Her Love and deep connection to nature and animals moved her to help them heal on an energetic level. After conducting several case studies on dogs and horses, it became clear that our best friends benefited from the gentle arts of Sound Healing and Reiki. "I am honored and deeply humbled for all my sentient beings who touched my life spiritually and with whom I had the privilege to facilitate the process of their self healing."